
maritime and coastal freight transport

The Company is carrying on business on an open international maritime dry cargo market in accordance with principles and standards of international maritime market.



Crnogorska plovidba A.D. Kotor takes part in the project DUALMON – Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in Montenegro Higher Education within the programme ERASMUS +. The main aim of the project is to improve the competences of higher education graduates in Montenegro, through the development of generic model of dual education (DUALMON model) and legal framework for introduction of dual education in order to support different needs and interests of students, companies, higher education institutions (HEIs) in the country and to provide recommendations to HEIs for implementation of dual education in the entire Montenegro. The project consortium includes twelve partners from four countries: Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Austria. The project partners are University of Montenegro, Ministry of Education, and related institutions (Council for Higher Education, Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education), Chamber of Economy and companies which are ready to participate in the pilot program of implementation of dual education.

The role of Crnogorska plovidba in this project is to provide support to the project through the following project activities:

• Active participating, together with other project partners in study visits to other countries in order to familiarise with dual education practice in those countries.
• Taking part in a dialogue regarding action plans for the development of dual education in higher education of Montenegro.
• Cooperation with Maritime Faculty in realisation of the pilot program of dual education.

Through this cooperation Crnogorska plovidba A.D. Kotor would temporarily employ a certain number of students within the project of dual education program. During this period, students would be under the supervision of a company's representative. After the finalization of pilot dual program pilot, the company's representatives would evaluate the realisation of the program.

The expected aims of the project are:

1. development of generic model of dual education in order to maximally support the cooperation between higher education students and institutions as well as companies in Montenegro.
2. changes in the area of legal framework which will allow the implementation of Dual Education model into the Higher Education of Montenegro.

Project's web page: