
maritime and coastal freight transport

The Company is carrying on business on an open international maritime dry cargo market in accordance with principles and standards of international maritime market.

MARED announcements


Coordination Meeting in Constanta, Romania

25 Oct 2017

The coordination meeting in Constanta started with introductory speech of a host representative, which was followed by discussion on the analysis of implementation of newly developed curricula in University of Montenegro and University of ‟Ismail Qemali‟ of Vlora. After that participants talked about examples of good practice, using different methods, tools and techniques in the teaching process developed on basis of STCW curricula.

At the end of the first day we were presented deck and engine simulators which are used for training and assessment processes. On the second day we developed a discussion over the general overview of the new STCW curricula and opportunities for other projects which might arise in the future.

Institutional monitoring visit at the University of Montenegro

29 Jun 2017

The meeting started with introductory speech of internal and external stakeholders (public institutions, civil sector, etc.) after which we got on to the discussion onemployability, Bologna Principles (three-cycle system, ECTS, learning outcome approach) and University Enterprise cooperation. The meeting was organized in form of panel sessions with representatives of non-academic partner institutions, Tempus and Erasmus + projects. Crnogorska plovidba A.D. Kotor was invited to attend the meeting organized by your institution, to partecipate and contribute to the realization of the MArED project.

Management Meeting 4

17 Nov 2016

Management Meeting 4 is the last meeting of the project Consortium planned to be organized within this project year. Working Agenda includes presenting implemented project activities in the last project period, regarding the individual contribution of each Consortium representative. Overall project management, quality control, dissemination and sustainability and administrative topics will also be discussed in details.

The plan for future project period with specific tasks and responsibilities is planned to be presented. It is planned to disseminate other ongoing projects in the sense of inter-project coaching and know-how transfer on this meeting.

Quality Control Steering Committee Meeting in Constanta

04 Sep 2016

Working Meeting of the Quality Control Steering Committee was organized on the premises of Constanta Maritime University in Constanta (Romania) aiming to present and discuss all achieved activities from the quality control aspects. Besides regular QC activities, main meeting topics were focused on the realized tasks and obtained outcomes.The extension of the project, management and financial questions were presented by the Project Coordinator and Administrator.

Participants also considered the working plan for 2017 and proposals for the next implementation period. All consortium partners participated in the meeting.

Coordination Meeting in Split

25 Apr 2016

Coordination Meeting in Split was organized by the Faculty of Maritime Studies from Split for the purposes of the review of implemented activities regarding Workpackage 4, 7 and 9. Host representatives and Coordinator and Administrator presented finished activities, quality related issues and plans and administrative and management schedule and tasks with special attention on the extension of the project lifetime. 

Working Meeting 8

12 Apr 2016

Working Meeting 8 was organized on the premises of the Coordinator at the Maritime Faculty in Kotor, aiming to discuss all finished tasks dealing with development activities and quality of achieved results with the industrial parnter institutions from Montenegro. The Coordinator and the Administrator of the Project, on behalf of the Host institution, presented the current situation and future plans.

The second part of the meeting was intended for the quality, sustainability and management issues.

Management Meeting 10

29 Feb 2016

Working Meeting 10 was organized in Portoroz by the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport for the purposes of the implementation of WP4. Host and Lead partner ULFPP presented finished activities and future plans in order to implement this workpackage successfully.

The second part of the meeting was intended for the administrative and management topics. All consortium partners were participated.

Management Meeting 3

10 Dec 2015

The final annual meeting was organized in the Split (Croatia) by the University of Split (Faculty for Maritime Studies). The meeting concept includes four sessions for the project Boards representatives. The main project plans, issues and questions were discussed and agreed. The annual report results, budget specifications and expenditures, documentation, implemented activities and achieved outcomes, delays and modifications regarding workplan.

The conclusion of the meeting was "great success compared to the initial state both for PC and EU partners" and "great plans for the last project year and future cooperation on some other projects.

Meeting of the MArED Industrial Partners

17 Mar 2015

The meeting of the project industrial representatives from Montenegro and Albania was held at the Maritime Faculty in Kotor on 17th and 18th March 2015. The main topics of the Agenda were: review of the EU Revision Report, discussion on the Implementation plan for the next period and exchange of experiences among partners regarding administrative and management issues.
