maritime and coastal freight transport
The Company is carrying on business on an open international maritime dry cargo market in accordance with principles and standards of international maritime market.
The Company is carrying on business on an open international maritime dry cargo market in accordance with principles and standards of international maritime market.
The founder of the Company is Government of Montenegro, or more precisely its Ministry of Capital Investments which provides any kind of support and has full control over Company's activities.
Crnogorska plovidba A.D. Kotor is 100% state-owned stock company whereof Government of Montenegro posses 99,97% of shares while Employment Agency of Montenegro balance shares of 0,03%.
The Company is shipowner / shipmanagement carrying on business on an open international maritime dry cargo market in accordance with principles and standards of international maritime market.
Along with its main activity, the Company's Foundation Act gives wide possibilities of acting in domestic and foreign trade, agency business, representation works etc.
The idea of the Company is to form a fleet of vessels for carriage of dry bulk cargoes – „bulkcarriers“. In the initial phase, the Company commenced two newbuildings of vessels for carriage of dry bulk cargoes, Handy size of 35,000 DWT, built by Shanghai Shipyard Co. Ltd., Shaghai, due to flexibility on the market of these types of vessels.
Delivery of the first newbuilding - m/v „Kotor“- was carried out on 12.01.2012 while delivery of the second one – m/v „Dvadesetprvi maj“ - was done on 31.08.2012.
Predominante way of employment of the vessels is long-term Time Charter because a continues employment and earnings income is of utmost importance for the Company.
High grade of liquidity/solvency is a postulate for each successful concept and Crnogorska plovidba A.D. Kotor will try to reach this goal.