
maritime and coastal freight transport

The Company is carrying on business on an open international maritime dry cargo market in accordance with principles and standards of international maritime market.



The project arose in response to the obligations of Partner Countries concerning the ratification and implementation of the latest amendments to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations related to education and training of seafarers. All necessary changes and harmonization aim to meet the prescribed international standards to be carried out by 2017, in order to enable the educational and training systems of Partner Countries keep the status of internationally recognized maritime educational and training institutions. The latest IMO requirements refer to the reform of the existing and development of new study programmes, which anticipates the creation of opportunities for both theoretical and practical training of students, through the modernization of laboratories, marine simulators and practical workshops. Furthermore, by introducing certain IMO model courses for seafarers, the educational institution aims to develop a lifelong learning process for providing the seafarers with the possibility of continuous professional training. The harmonization of the educational programmes with valid international standards, as stipulated by IMOs STCW Convention and its Manila amendments 2010, ensures the survival of maritime educational institutions and their competitiveness in the international market, thus ensuring the competitiveness of the seafarers from Partner Countries, as well.


Project Coordinator:

University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Cetinjska br. 2, Podgorica 

Contact person:

Prof. dr Danilo Nikolić
University of Montenegro
Maritime Faculty Kotor
Dobrota 36, 85330, Kotor Montenegro
Phone: (+382) 32 303 184